The life and adventures of Lauren & Tyler Henry Brandt.

Our Favorite Boardgames

Our Favorite Boardgames

Eleanor is three this year, so we have finally introduced her to one of our family’s favorite pastimes - board gaming! Here are the three home run board games we play with Eleanor:


    This is easily our favorite, since the wooden pieces of fruit give the perfect realistic touch and the game play never gets stale.

    Skills: collaboration, rolling a die, classifying, matching

  2. ROLL-A-SAURUS (not pictured)

    Eleanor is not quite old enough to play this full out, so we throw the game in order to allow her to have a chance. Every round ends in make-believe dino roleplay fun!

    Skills: competition, rolling a die, matching more than one trait at once


    This one is hard to play a lot as it's really about the repetition of one-to-one counting, but it's cute and Eleanor enjoys the game while getting in the counting practice!

    Skills: collaboration, spinning, counting


Count Your Chickens!

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