The life and adventures of Lauren & Tyler Henry Brandt.

Snow Days, Hooray!

Snow Days, Hooray!

Footsteps on a snowy day

Portland got snow again this year and we were here for it! El got to dip a toe at first with a light layer of snow still on the ground by the time she awoke on Dec 19. Then we got to enjoy some real snow Dec 26-29, heavy at first and lighter as the week went on.

We feel fortunate El was able to squeeze into the snow suit we got from a friend before moving out of Alameda, but will definitely need to do some shopping before winter next year. At least she was able to stay warm while outside in the snow, even if we weren’t! 😅

First snow fun!

Daddy’s snowperson

Waking up to an actual blanket of snow

Sunny’s snow-ventures

Footsteps in the snow

Neighborhood snowpeople

Frozen fruit

Snow covered everything!

The Oregon Coast

The Oregon Coast

2021 Year in Review

2021 Year in Review