The life and adventures of Lauren & Tyler Henry Brandt.

Living in a Construction Zone

Living in a Construction Zone

It’s been a long time coming, but it feels so good to finally have our HOA reach this milestone. With our roofs replaced, we have now made it past the final hurdle for this newly established HOA.


HOA accomplishments over the past 3 years:


Aug 2017 — informational meeting with HOA lawyer
Dec 2017 — first reserve analysis (required every 3 years)
Feb 2018 — final meeting of the owners
Mar 2018 — first official ballot (required yearly)
Mar 2018 — HOA Board established with multiple officers
Mar 2018 — 2 of 3 sump pumps replaced
Apr 2018 — digitized financial records
May 2018 — created new reports for financials aligned with HOA law
May 2018 — replaced/repaired broken garage light fixtures and timer
Sep 2018 — siding and trim repaired and repainted
Oct 2018 — exterior light fixtures replaced
Nov 2018 — created & sent first annual policy statement and budget reports
Nov 2018 — found a new insurance carrier with lower rates
Jan 2019 — became an incorporated business
Feb 2019 — filed for an EIN
Mar 2019 — filed taxes for the first time, along with state tax exemption
May 2019 — patio deck replaced
Jun 2019 — sewer lateral replaced, after failing a required pressure test in 2018
Jul 2019 — Bylaws updated, per new laws and incorporated status
Dec 2019 — helped realtors in the transfer of homeownership
Jan 2020 — onboarded new Board member
Apr 2020 — roofs replaced

Queen Anne’s Corner, circa 2017

Queen Anne’s Corner, circa 2017

Queen Anne’s Corner today!

Queen Anne’s Corner today!


We had to stay home during the construction this time, but it took less than seven working days to get the roofs replaced. We even got to watch a bit of it from an upstairs window. El loved watching the workers move about on our neighbors’ roof and I loved watching the progression of the work from day to day.

One of the weirder sights, to me, was seeing our naked chimneys. From the siding work we had last year, we weren’t at all surprised to see new siding go up on the chimney stacks as well.

Anti-Racism at Home

Anti-Racism at Home

Sheltering at Home

Sheltering at Home